Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Part 2-The 5 Pillars of Health -Exercise

Hopefully you had a chance to read my previous blog entry "Part 1-The introduction of the 5 Pillars of Health". If you have not, I encourage you to read it before this one.

Incorporating these 5 major components of health can make a positive influence on your general well being. The first pillar I am going to talk about is EXERCISE. I really don't need to go into too much detail about how exercise can improve your health, we all know this to be true. There are miles and miles of studies to prove that exercise is effective for preventing heart disease (the number one cause of death in North America), cancer (#2 cause of death), diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, mental disorders, chronic pain.... the list goes on and on.

We know that exercise is good for us and that it is an integral part of health, so why don't we do it?? The number one excuse is..."I don't have time". Canada's Doctors of Chiropractic have developed a very simple "Fit in 15" program that virtually anyone can "fit" into their busy day to promote an active lifestyle. The Fit in 15 minutes program has incorporated the 3 main components of exercise: cardio, strength and flexibility. All of these exercises can be found at http://www.fitin15.ca/Home.aspx . Please have a look at this website for easy-to-do exercises, pictures and diagrams, and a calender to follow your progress. All you have to do it click on the link above, browse the site and register if you would like to access the calender and get motivational e-mail reminders to "fit-in" your 15 minute exercise program. This program is really designed to get you moving and get you in the habit of exercise. The idea is to start slow and progress. Eventually the 15 minutes will be so easy that maybe you will increase it to 20-30 minutes or more.

Folks, if you exercised 15 minutes per day for one full year would you be healthier??? ABSOLUTELY!!!
Do yourself a favour and start exercising today and pass this information along to a friend of family member. Knowledge is power, but without action you will have no results!

Stay tuned for Part 3 where we will discuss NUTRITION -The second pillar of health.


For more information you can visit his website www.drbrentmoyer.com , follow him on twitter http://twitter.com/brantartschiro or his facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brant-Arts-Chiropractic/296220027102956

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